Wireless Watchdogs, a Dataprise company, is a leader in enterprise mobility management and is focused on helping clients optimize, manage and support large and complex mobile environments. Their offerings include mobile device management, managed mobility services, wireless expense management and more. Wireless Watchdogs has 1,500+ clients nationally and manages hundreds of thousands of mobile devices.
- Cost Savings/Outsourced Mobility Management:
- They offer a complimentary analysis of your current mobility spend with the carrier(s) and can typically find ~20-40% savings without switching your carrier(s) + help offset the time your team spends managing your corporate mobile environment.
- Managed MDM Services:
- Every endpoint must be secured to build business resiliency, yet too often gaps emerge in an organization’s security architecture due to mobile devices being overlooked or poorly managed. Wireless Watchdogs’ MDM Services eliminate these risks by delivering a multi-layered suite of security features around all major mobile device platforms, providing a single window of control for all company information transmitted through corporate or personal devices.
Technology Spotlight (SDWAN)
Organizations across industries are implementing SD‐WAN to simplify delivery of WAN services to remote locations and reduce costs. SD‐WAN enables IT and business managers to deploy Internet‐based connectivity (with its benefits of ubiquity, high bandwidth and low cost) easily, quickly and with quality, reliability and security.
With infrastructure as code, virtual desktop infrastructure, and a proactive approach to incident management, you can help keep cloud costs reasonable. The initial race to build cloud capabilities is pivoting toward managing costs, optimizing infrastructure, and automating more operations.
Here are five recommendations of how IT teams can optimize their cloud stacks to reduce costs and improve operational efficiencies.